07/02/2025 للتواصل السريع Fell free to call 0096899602273 info@rafed.com.om
web-based solution development

web-based solution development

Website is your virtual location in web world. Show your services and products, Communication with your customer, share your experience in your website. With dynamic dashboard you can manage the content by CMS ( Content Management System) such as WordPress or Joomla CMSs.
e-learning solutions

e-learning solutions

“Knowledge is not restricted to one”. By e-Learning solutions your learning institute can grow without investing huge money to spread knowledge to people. e-Learining solution are designed to fit the actual activies performed inside class room.
cloud solutions & integration

cloud solutions & integration

No need to many copies, portable storage or send documents… Cloud systems give you ability to share, store, edit, collaborate, backup files or information provided that internet service is available. No need to invest too much many on technology that you can get it as a service. Cloud systems is extendable on request and it is up-gradable.
training and it workshops

training and it workshops

Knowledge and skills transfer to clients is one of our ways to deliver our products to be more productive and efficient. It is product-based training with different permission levels (Administrator, manager, editor, teacher, student, users… etc)


eXo Platform is an open source social collaboration software designed for enterprises. It is full featured, based on standards, extensible and has an amazing design.


WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.


(formerly OpenERP) is a suite of open core enterprise management applications. The application suite includes billing, accounting, manufacturing, purchasing, warehouse management, and project management.


Moodle is a Learning (& Course) Management System which provide collaborative learning, site CMS, enrollment management, course management, online test, online quiz, evaluation, calendar, multi language, chat, blog, groups, advance search..etc.

National Awards



Support Hours

Training and Workshops

moodle training

eLearn and eTrain

What is e-learning , What are different modes of e-learning, how to achieve effective learning environment using moodle system. How to invest in it?

from: 10/10/2016

To: 14/10/2016

Time:  5-8 PM

phone app development

Mob App Dev

How to program Mob app in several smart phone operating systems? If you are familiar developing by Visual Studio, you can easily create apps using Xamarin platform.

from: 10/10/2016

To: 14/10/2016

Time:  5-8 PM

Websites Development

Websites Dev

Developing a website by non-programmers is now easy by WordPress. You can customize it and add feature features and themes from online store.

from: 10/10/2016

To: 14/10/2016

Time:  5-8 PM

E-Commerce Training

eComm and eMark

What are the principles of e-commerce and e-marketing. How to shift you business to a complete electronic business process with e-payment  .

from: 10/10/2016

To: 14/10/2016

Time:  5-8 PM

Cloud Services Training

Cloud Services

Cloud services becomes a suitable solution for companies and institutes for starting without investing lot of money. How to get fast and affordable technical service?

from: 10/10/2016

To: 14/10/2016

Time:  5-8 PM

Our Services

Live Streaming

We capture and broadcast live events and activities in high quality via internet by dedicated and equipped team and any time.

Consultancy services

We provide a presale consultancy to ensure delivering the right service and to have the client trust.

Technical trainings and Workshops

We provide training and workshops about our solutions and tools. We believe in open source and sharing knowledge.

Phone Apps

We develop phone apps for different OS, android, iOS and windows

Internet of Things (IOT)

Do you have an idea to control or monitor a thing via internet. We do so!

E-Commerce Solutions

E-commerce solutions starting from product request until delivering and e-payment. Comprehensive solution!

Social Media Management Solutions (SMMS)

Social Media account management solutions and Social Media-based digital Marketing solution along with reports and analysis.

Web development

we design and customize WordPress templates to be a comprehensive featured website as per client requirements.

Web Hosting

We host website in our secure and managed host. We have long experience of managing hosts and securing them.


Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Design and Development using latest software and hardware technology like Oculus


Rafed Group Website- Contact US

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HQ Office:

Alkoudh, Mazoon Street, Building #554, Way#3433, Floor# 7, Flat #71

P.B.: 220

P.C: 123, SQU

Tel: 0096899602273